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“Geography underpins a lifelong ‘conversation’ about the earth as the home of humankind.” - Geography Association

Geography inspires us to learn to understand our place in the world, how we connect to other people, places, events, times and the environment. 

As responsible citizens we can effectively contribute to society making informed choices, on important issues, to develop a sustainable future.

Geography begins in EYFS as Understanding the World. Here children make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places technology and the environment. Every individual is encouraged to learn and develop their emerging interests with practical, purposeful activities and play – relevant, fun and hands on!

KS1 and KS2 it is taught through topics with a geography focus, lasting a half term. The pupils start from a local perspective and build upon their first hand observations by using geographical skills to enhance their locational awareness. They develop their learning with knowledge and skills extending from Alderney to the Bailiwick of Guernsey, the United Kingdom and the World. Topics are enriched through maps, objects, pictures, videos and digital technology to enable them to make sense of the world and understand their relationship with it.

In Years 7 and 8 the pupils gain a greater understanding of the past, present and future developments through a curriculum designed to prepare them for the AQA GCSE course and providing them with a broad understanding of the world and with some appreciation of different cultures, beliefs and responsibilities. This two year curriculum lays the foundations for creating confident, competent geographers developing the knowledge and understanding, building vocabulary and supporting the development of key geographical, literacy, numeracy and graphicacy skills. They use relevant content which helps to spark a passion for geography. They learn to investigate issues and their impacts, at different scales, and how to make informed sustainable decisions.

Students begin the AQA GCSE Geography Course in Year 9 with two lessons a week moving on to three lessons per week in Y10 and Y11. Pupils are able to build on their learning through a well-structured course which enables them to have a good understanding of the world around them. They are supported in use of geography through key term glossaries and case studies. The course is divided into three Units –Living with the Physical Environment, Challenges in the Human Environment and Geographical Applications and Skills which incorporates the Fieldwork and Issue Evaluation elements of the course.

In both KS3 and KS4 the means of study is through Kerboodle Packages.  Within these there are comprehensive assessments which mean that students are confident at answering different types of questions. Differentiation and challenge is provided throughout as are opportunities for fieldwork and stretch and challenge activities ensuring that all abilities are catered for.

Geography plays a crucial role in understanding our rapidly changing world. It is current and enables us to consider relevant social, economic, environmental and political issues at a local, national and global level. It inspires fascination and curiosity about our world and its inhabitants that will remain with pupils for their whole lives. Pupils are well prepared should they decide to take their studies further, knowing that geographers are among the most employable university graduates. Geography is an education for life and living, allowing us to be better informed and more responsible employees and citizens, able to be successful and make effective contributions.

Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage Published 3 March 2017 DfE
The Bailiwick of Guernsey Curriculum Teacher Handbook
Kerboodle Packages KS3 Heading Towards  AQA GCSE Oxford University Press
Kerboodle Packages GCSE Geography AQA Oxford University Press
Royal Geographical Society
Geographical Association

KS3 Geography Curriculum Map